Opening hours

Monday – Friday: 9:00am – 6:00pm. Phone lines open at 8:30am.
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed

The surgery is closed over bank holiday periods such as May Day, Easter and Christmas. 

Contact details

You can call us on 01752 669160

Our address is:

Fauchard House Dental Surgery 53 North Hill Plymouth PL4 8HB


In the event of an emergency outside of surgery hours patients of the surgery are advised to contact 01392 823682.  If you are not currently a surgery patient you will need to contact the Dental Access Centre on 01752 43 46 64.

Cancelling your appointment

Appointments can be made or cancelled by calling the surgery on 01752 669160.  We would remind you that as stated in the Practice Policy you are required to give at least 24 hours notice if you have to cancel an appointment. Late cancellations and missed appointments represent a cost to the practice, when other patients could have been seen in the time set aside for the patient.

If more than two NHS dental appointments are missed or cancelled with less than 24 hours’ notice, we do not guarantee being able to complete a patient’s NHS treatment or offer them NHS treatment in the future.

How to get here

Parking as always is at a premium in the city centre, and we would recommend using public transport. North Hill is a primary bus route, and there is a stop directly outside the surgery.  If you do need to bring your car there is very limited parking on the road outside the surgery, or alternatively a pay and display car park which is accessed from North Road East.