Novel coronavirus (COVID-19)



We are OPEN during the second lockdown.

We are seeing patients for routine check-up appointments as well as well as those patients with problematic/emergency dental care. Please be advised that we still can’t use the high-speed drills, so any scale and polishing will be carried out by hand where clinically deemed necessary.

Due to many of our procedures producing aerosols (which could potentially carry the virus) we are limited in what treatments we can provide at present. This will restrict the amount of treatment options available to you. We will however do our very best to help care for your dental problem at hand.

Our priority will always be to ensure the safety of both our staff and patients.

To keep in line with social distancing you should not come to the practice unless you have an appointment.  Should you need to talk to us then please do so via telephone.

Please note that we are currently not taking on any new patients to the practice.

How do I book an appointment?

We are only booking appointments one week at a time, so if you call and we are full then you will need to call back the following week.

To make an appointment you will need to contact the practice on 01752 669160 where the team will check and update your contact details and will ask you for an email address. Please inform the team should there have been any changes to your personal details.

We will need a valid email address so that an appointment can be made so please have this ready for the team.

When the appointment has been made an email will then be generated and sent to you informing you of the appointment date, time and the dentist that you are seeing and a link to the forms that need to be completed prior to your visit.

The email should go into your INBOX but if it’s not there, please check your SPAM and JUNK MAIL folders to see if has been sent to them by mistake.

If these forms are not completed prior to your visit and you turn up without having completed them, then you may be turned away. Should you have any problems please contact the reception team. All forms can be completed using a mobile phone, tablet, laptop, or desktop computer.

Emergency appointments are still being dealt with as normal and your appointment will be booked in the same way as above.